Thursday, December 16, 2010


Mendel’s Pea Experiment

In one experiment, Mendel cross-pollinated smooth yellow pea plants with wrinkly green peas. (The organisms that are used as the original mating in an experiment are called the parental generation and are marked by P in science textbooks). Every single pea in the first generation crop (marked as f1) was as yellow and as round as was the yellow, round parent. Somehow, yellow completely dominated green and round dominated wrinkly.

Mendel learned from this that there are two kinds of traits - dominant and recessive. In this case, the dominant traits are the yellow color and the round shape since they show up at the expense of the green color and the wrinkly shape. He also learned that the inheritance of each trait is determined by "units" or "factors" - now called genes.

Now he went on with his experiment and planted seeds from the all-yellow, all-round crop, achieved from the parent generation, and self-pollinated the grown up plants. The results led to some surprises. Most of the second generation (marked as f2) of peas were yellow and smooth, but some were green or wrinkly. Mendel repeated his experiment many times and the f2 generation consistently had a 3:1 ratio of yellow to green and round to wrinkly. How did Mendel explain his results?
As mentioned above, Mendel postulated that there are dominant and recessive traits in heredity.
In his experiment Mendel marked with capital letters dominant traits and with small letters recessive traits.
    Y = dominant yellow color g = recessive green color R = dominant round shape w = recessive wrinkly shape
When the f1 plants breed, each has an equal chance of passing on either Y or g units to each offspring (f2 generation), and the same is with R and w.

In the pollination process the offsprings get one trait unit (gene) from every parent; in the case of color the possible combinations are gY Yg YY gg. Three combinations from the four - gY Yg YY - will give yellow offsprings since all of them possess at least one Y dominant unit. Only one combination from the four - gg - will give green offsprings since it has two recessive units.

Because, in order to show-up, a dominant trait needs only one trait unit from one of the parents, and the recessive one needs two, from both parents, in order to prevail, that is the reason why the ratio between occurrences of dominant traits and recessive traits is 3:1. The same explanation applies to the shape traits.

Mendel came to three important conclusions from these experimental results:

  • That the inheritance of each trait is determined by "units" or "factors" (now called genes) that are passed on to descendents unchanged

  • That an individual inherits one such unit from each parent for each trait

  • That a trait may not show up in an individual but can still be passed on to the next generation.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Blog #8: Entering a Hotzone

When entering a hot zone, one must wear a bio hazard suit. One must check his/her suit for any leaks or holes that may cause them to get infected. Also, he/she should wear three layers of clothing to minimize chances of infection. Also, going under blacklights to kill any germs will also help. Decon showers are your best friend when leaving a hotzone.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Blog #11 In the movie Gattaca parents were allowed to pick the traits of their babies, should we be able to do this? Why or why not?
In answer to the question, no we should not be able to to that. It robs us of the many ways we are different. Since we're supposed to have "perfect" genetics, when we find a flaw we may kill ourselves as seen in the movie.   We will no longer be able to adapt to certain aspects in life.


Sweet Dill Pickles Recipe


  • 2 (32 ounce) jars dill pickles
  • 4 cups white sugar, divided
  • 1/2 cup distilled white vinegar
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon pickling spice


  1. Drain pickles and slice into 1/4 inch pieces. Place in a medium bowl with 2 cups sugar. Stir, cover and allow to stand at room temperature 6 to 8 hours, or overnight.
  2. In a medium saucepan, mix together the remaining sugar, vinegar, water and pickling spice. Bring to a boil. Pour over the pickles. Allow the mixture to stand at room temperature 6 to 8 hours, or overnight.
  3. Transfer the pickles to sterile jars and store in the refrigerator. Serve chilled.

Fermentation helps make the food by  creating a interesting flavor that is very appealing.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

blog 9 How far should the government go in isolating people with an infectios diseases? Should the army be involved?

The government should isolate the infected community AND test each person to see if they are positive with said disease. If they are, they must remain. If not they should be given the option of leaving. The military should be involved BUT for security purposes only. The military could take samples of the disease for research of biological weapons. The role of the United States government is to protect there citizens so by quarantining the area they are preventing the disease from spreading. In the movie "Outbreak", military units should use force to stop the people. Also, it showed that ultraviolet light were used to kill the virus. Ultraviolet light should be installed and everyone in the area should wear air filters or full body bio suits.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


xheyitzmarkx: Hiiiiiii Jiselle =)
xheyitzmarkx: Nm, just research for speech & debate...
hellooooojiselle:  That sounds fun! What are you researching?
xheyitzmarkx: I'm researching Swine Flu (h1n1). It's a prettttty major disease right now. It's like the mad cow of 2009.
hellooooojiselle: No way, you are so much smarter than me! tell me about it!
xheyitzmarkx: Well , according to wikipedia, Influenza A (H1N1) virus is a subtype of influenza A virus and was the most common cause of humaninfluenza (flu) in 2009. Some strains of H1N1 are endemic in humans and cause a small fraction of allinfluenza-like illness and a small fraction of all seasonal influenza. H1N1 strains caused a few percent of all human flu infections in 2004–2005.[1] Other strains of H1N1 are endemic in pigs (swine influenza) and in birds (avian influenza).
In June 2009, the World Health Organization declared the new strain of swine-origin H1N1 as apandemic. This strain is often called swine flu by the public media. This novel virus spread worldwide and had caused about 17,000 deaths by the start of 2010. On August 10, 2010, the World Health Organization declared the H1N1 influenza pandemic over, saying worldwide flu activity had returned to typical seasonal patterns. Click on the links if you want to know more! 
The bell just rang, g2g peace!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blog #6 poem

Acrostic poem 

Mad (14th symptom)
occupation (possible source of disease)
nice (to animals, women another possible source of disease)
end (his death was a tragic and ghastly)
time (as time went on the disease destroyed his body and tissues, leading to his unfortuent end.)

(poem just for fun)
roses are red, violets , are blue, charles monet, you got screwed.
roses are red, violets are blue, charles monet, you turned to goo.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

week 5 blog: helpful bacteria, bad viruses

Not all bacteria are bad!  Some bacteria are helpful! Intestinal bacteria help break down foods.  Without the right kind of bacteria, we would die.  These bacteria help break down food.  So not all bateria are bad, many are useful and help us LIVE! 

 Viruses, on the other hand, are very harmful.  They infect your cells and make you sick. They are responsible for many deaths (like in Africa)   

Thursday, September 23, 2010

M-day 2: Are non carbon based life possible?

The answer is yes, there maybe be some life forms not from this planet that may be non carbon based. On this planet, a non carbon based life has not been discovered YET. Carbon molecules are able to bond with other elements such as oxygen or hydrogen making a case of non carbon based life ALMOST impossible.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blog post one: M-Day 1 of...alot

The U.S should NOT  switch to the metric system mainly because I like pounds better the grams. -__- That is a weak reason...I change my minf the U.S should change to the metric system for 3 main reasons.

1) The metric system is easier to remember with the magic number 10!

2) Using the metric system will mean we  are able to compare weights, measurements, and other awesome things that nations using metric without hassle.

3) Metric System is just plain awesome!